BBC1, in cooperation with FWF and with support from MFA Uzbekistan will participate in the Water Seminar for Uzbek water professionals within the same week when “Uzbekistan-Finland Intergovernmental Commission of Trade and Economic Cooperation” will take place in Tashkent. B2B- and B2G matchmaking meetings is what we have in mind to arrange.
Category: Uncategorized
Digital EcoSairila Showroom
Within the framework of the project, a lot of information related to the circular economy has been produced for the use of companies, citizens, experts and educational institutions. The information has been collected on the platform and is constantly being developed. Please, visit the platform at this link
Hybriditilaisuus 27.4.2022 klo 13-16: Ukrainan sodan ja pakotteiden vaikutukset yrityksen liiketoimintaan sekä liiketoiminnan uudelleen suuntaaminen
Tervetuloa osallistumaan tilaisuuteemme joko paikan päällä Teatteriravinto ILOssa tai etäyhteydellä. Lisätietoja tapahtumasivulta.
4 CBC project´s newsletter No. 8 published
Please, see the newsletter :
Biotechnology and Circular Economy Webinar 15.2.2022, 12:30-15:30
More info and registration on the News and Events
A sunny fresh day in picturesque Mikkeli: cross-border co-operation on environmental and ecological themes in focus
BBC1 cooperation partners visited Mikkeli on December 10th, 2021. Read about their experiences here
5 SEFR CBC NEWSLETTER 7 December 2021
4.10.2021 The seventh meeting of collaboration & communication group of the five South-East Finland-Russia cross-border collaboration programme projects was held on 3.12.2021 Please find in our newsletter 7 below information about upcoming events and publications:
Hybrid seminar “EcoSairila – a platform for the cross-border network”
See the presentaions on “News and events” subpage Time: December 9th, 2021 at 12:00-15:00. Place: Tetatteriravintola ILO, Hallituskatu 7, Mikkeli and remotely via ZOOM. Registration and more information here
Cross-Border student-business competitions and hackathons; lessons to learn and best practices -webinar
Webinar will be organized in Teams in December 2nd, 2021 at 11-12 UTC+03:00 (Moscow time) and at 10-11 UTC+2(Helsinki time) See more in the section “news and events”
5 SEFR CBC NEWSLETTER 6 October 2021
The sixth meeting of collaboration & communication group of the five South-East Finland-Russia cross-border collaboration programme projects was held on 1.10.2021 Please find in our newsletter 6 below information about upcoming events and publications: