Five excellent Russian teams and start-ups from Itmo University presented their interesting ideas to Finnish expert jury in business idea pitching event this week.
The ideas seemed very advanced and potential for further work and in the frames of BBC1 -project we are looking for cooperation opportunities and partners in Finland.
Check the topics below and if your intrest arouse, please feel free to ask more information from BBC1 team by email or .
- The use of alternative energy sources in the system electric drive of agricultural machines
- Development of technology for processing hogweed to obtain bioethanol
- Technology of bio-fermentation of poultry waste
- Natural immunostimulatory additives based on beta-glucans in beekeeping, their effect on the survival of bees and the quality of honey
- Technology for obtaining a complex dietary supplement with a high content of resveratol and zinc from grape pomace and inactivated yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae